[PWS] ATA, 11 kills 'Chicken'… No. 1


ATA packed chicken in PWS: Phase 2 Click Final 3 Match.

On the 23rd, the 2022 Pub Magazine Weekly Series (PWS) Phase 2 Phase 2nd Click Final 1 week was online.

Weekly Finals included 16 teams in eight teams, four teams in Japan, and four teams in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

Korea participated in eight teams including EMTECH Storm X, Go & Go Prince, ATA, Damwon Gia, Zenji, Danawa E-Sports, Hulk Gaming, and BISG Carfeddm. In Japan, teams such as Donuts Usji, Fennel, Aurumu Rect, Iramuri Petto Samurai Gaming, and Taiwanese areas such as Global Esports Exit, Simba Gaming, Auri Sports, and Deadli Strike.

The three-match magnetic field was formed by Erangel Mile. In the beginning of the game, EMTECH Storm X fought the landmark destruction in the garage with the global E-Sports Exit. EMTECH 'Howl' broke down the global E-Sports Exit 'Jan Li', '쯘 Nam' and 'Salvia', but was wiped out by the exquisite shotguns of 'SAL'.


Zenji met with Aura Sports in the process of instruction from the southwest of the magnetic field. Zenji 'Ether' was damaged by the strategy of piercing the side, and afterwards, Zenji was wiped out by being beaten by Aura 'Maorush'.

Hulk Gaming installed a checkpoint on the bridge of the whole grain from the east of the magnetic field and destroyed the Go & Go Prince, which entered the coast.

TOP4 was Hulk Gaming, ATA, BISG CarpediM, and Danawa Esports.

First of all, ATA 'Nephix' removed the variable by removing Danawa Salut, who remained alone behind the vehicle, and from the west side of the magnetic field, Hulkgaming and Bisji struggled with each other. At the end of the opponent, he took 11 kill chicken and ranked first with a total of 40 points.
