Deliver Us The Moon: Next-Gen
Publisher Wired Productions and Developers Keoken Interactive today announces that the Sci-Fi Thriller Deliver US The Moon will appear on 19 May 2022 for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S.
Owner of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can upgrade the game without additional costs.
The Next Gen version offers the ultimate delivery of US THE MOON EXPERIENCE with fully rexastered 4K graphics, raytraced shadows and reflections as well as next-gene features that lift the science fiction epic to a new level.
Deliver Us The Moon is a science fiction thriller playing in an apocalyptic near future in which the natural resources of the earth are exhausted. A moon colony that represents a vital energy source has disappeared.
A lonely astronaut is sent to a crucial mission to the moon to preserve humanity from extinction. Will you save humanity or forgot in the dark abyss of space?
Deliver us the moon features
- Take problems of the real world
- 1st and 3rd person perspective, including the driving of numerous vehicles
- Wide, open moon landscape to explore and discover
- Claustrophobic, voltage-charged action
- Anti-gravity gameplay sequences
* Clever, challenging puzzles
* Impressive, orchestral soundtrack
* Supported by the Unreal Engine 4
Next Gen Upgrades
- Completely reclamed in 4k with ray-traced shadows and reflections
- Faster entry into the action by shorter loading times
- Adaptive trigger and controller speakers (Playstation 5)
- Owner of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One get a free upgrade to the Next Gen version
Leo Züllo, Managing Director at Wired Productions said, "We are excited to continue our partnership with the wonderful team of Keoken Interactive with the publication of the Next-Gen edition of Deliver Us The Moon. The game is as anticipatory as ever and ever and the new updates increase the captivating experience even further. "
Koen deetman, CEO of Keoken Interactive, said, "We are proud to bring Deliver Us The Moon to the Next-Gen platforms and give a whole range of new astronauts the opportunity to get the game in the hands. The new extensions of the game are absolutely outstanding and I think fans and newcomers will be enthusiastic about the changes. "
Deliver US The Moon will appear on 19 May 2022 for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S at a price of 24.99 euros. The game will also be on Stadia, Google's Cloud Gaming platform, with which you can play video games immediately on screens that you already have, and appear on Stadia Pro on April 1.
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