Korea's E-Sports Association, Second - housing,

The Korea E-Sports Association has conducted on the 21st, '2021 E-Sports Athletes' regular education in 2H11.

2021 Regular E Sports Labor Education has been intended for players who are active in the league of E-sports events, and a total of 100 members participated in education. The educational program has been conducted by e-sports' registration, e-sports standard contract, prevention education, and interview skill education.

First, E-Sports Athletes / Leader Registration The Korea's E-Sports Association Filling Field Parties introduced the importance and procedures for registration of e-sports players and leaders, and benefits. In the E-Sports Standard Contract Lecture, Dana Condensing Has Tanning SUK had time to explain the main contents of the standard contract, confidentiality, the rights and obligations of the athletes, and duties.

The Capital City of esports. | Part of the Game S1E3: Seoul In the prevention of prevention education (negative protection education), the Professor of the Korean Prospect Association of Gang Seek Hyung explained through past cases, and has been parallel to the negative forces and legal punishment of the woven manipulation. Interview Skill Education has had time to educate the importance of interviews with the importance of interviews and good interviews based on her field experience.

Korea's E-Space Association Kim Chalky Secretary General The Private Education, The Prime Minister of the Athletes is a program that helps players to maintain their hearts and attitudes as a professional, and to help their lives stably. The association plans to regularly proceed with the needs of the needs for the athletes.
